Love Quotes

Sometimes i feel like being Tom of -500 Days of Summer. I can spend hours and days in writing quotes, and when it’s about love the feeling is even better. Here are few love quotes that i recently wrote.

1. I wish to stay in your eyes- It’s the most beautiful place and i feel safe there.

2. We are miles apart but when i see the same sky covering us, same feelings dwelling in our hearts- I smile.

3. Just a thought of you is enough to give me a sensation that nothing else can.

4. Where there’s life, there’s love.

5. Every night in my dreams i hold your hand and go out for a walk. And every morning i pray to make that a reality.


6. Love happens within no time, and we spend rest of our lives figuring out the reason behind that.

7. When i’m with you i keep hoping that time freezes, else it might take you away.

8. I don’t tell you every time i think about you- It’s impossible to tell about every single moment.

9. Love doesn’t ensure that you will find a perfect person, all it does is- it makes you a perfect person.

10. Life doesn’t end when you find true love. It begins there…


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Published by Deepak Rana

A writer, a wanderer. Keeps dreaming and aspires to make them true.

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